Do not restrict the layman's ability to freely invest. Stops and limits on our investment ability screw over many people who want to diversify and leverage risk.
I have a right to invest my money in what ever vehicles I choose you do not have the right to prevent me from doing this. Do not ban these ETF funds they are a vital part of my portfolio.
I would like to express that there should NOT be any regulatory restriction for regular investors to have access to leveraged and inverse funds.
In my opinion it should be me, not regulators, that control my ability to select investment options that are right for myself.
It is my belief that public investments should continue to be available to the entire public, not simply the privileged
I want leveraged and inverse investments to continue to be as easily available as they are today.
I vote no to the proposed rule number S72 415 restricting my rights to buy leverage funds. I should have the right to invest my money the way I want to.
Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment strategies.
I dont recommend any regulations on leveraged stock
I am against these new proposed rules, as we should be able to invest our money to products that understand. These rules will limit the retails investors to invest with leverage using cheap margin loans.
I should be able to choose the public investments that are right to balance my portfolio. I am capable of understanding the risks of leveraged and inverse funds. I have been self directed trading for over 15 years and do not need restrictions on my right to invest in public investments. I limit my investment in leveraged and inverse funds to funds that I can afford to lose if they do not work
I believe that people in the US have the freedom to choose how they conduct their lives if they are not harming others. This right applies to financial choices and the choosing of investment opportunities that are publicly available to all investors. It would be unfair should only the top 1% of wealthiest investors be allowed to fully utilize the financial markets and smaller investors be