The regulators should govern via guidance and not try to rule. The investors in the market understand the risks involved in trading of Leveraged and inverse funds and do not need to be regulated as suggested.
I oppose limitations on my investments!
This is to inform you that there is no need of enhancements to current rules for Brokerage firms. There is already a warning at Brokerage firms and that is sufficient. We know they are short term and monitor them daily. No change is needed. This is in regards to Leveraged and Inverse ETF's. Please do NOT limit access. I depend upon them!
I am a smali investor who uses leveraged and inverse funds as a hedge and to balance my portfolio. I cannot afford to use the option and other derivative strategies that large investors use. Please do not restrict my right to invest in these ETF's.
FiNRA should support , not undermine, small investors like me.
America was founded on the idea of personal freedom and choice. Clichéd, yes, but I think true nonetheless. As long as a choice does not negatively affect anyone else, I feel it should be allowed. We're all adults here and can figure out what to do or not do all on our own.
Sure, leveraged anything in the market is much more dangerous to play around with than some white-bread, vanilla
I would prefer to choose myself the public investments that are right for me.
Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
The regulation, in my opinion, should be aimed at preventing abuse of other investors, and not at "prohibition for the good" because we all know what the road to hell is paved with.
With stocks and bonds going down and higher inflation there is no alternative but to buy some inverse etf, gold and having cash. I understand that one can loose a lot with leveraged funds but in order to recover the losses, one can recover back some with leveraged funds when the market will go up again. Please allow the people the freedom to invest the way they want.
I do not support any restrictions on the ability for all investors to access inverse, commodity and leveraged funds, or the funds and tools that are invested in by institutional investors.
I should be able to invest my money as I please, even if that means utilizing strategies that you do not otherwise approve of. That is the fundamental premise of a free market
I believe it would not be right to limit the use of inverse and leveraged funds only to specialized brokers or limit them to certain sectors. As a public investor I use leveraged and inverse funds on a daily basis as a way to seek enhanced returns. I am fully aware of the risk of these funds, going so far as to download 30+ years of historical market data and running my trading strategy against