As a private investor I feel we should be allowed to invest in what ever we want to.
To whom it may Concern,
I received this alarming message about investing in a complex security that if Finra passed, it would limit our ability to buy more shares. It is very unfair if you committed to a position understanding the rules initially and planned out your strategy for the whole year, and in the middle of the battle, the rules change. This is very unfair.
Investors are fully aware that leveraged investments carry greater risk. Brokers remind us of that ad nauseum.
Thanks for your concern, we do not require further help in this area, and would appreciate your staying out of the way.
Personalized financial risk should not regulated or decided by a 3rd party. Individuals should be allowed under a freestanding republic to partake in behavior that is deemed by others as risky if it does not harm nor impose on others freedoms. This is such a case. individuals should be allowed to decide their own personal fate, not be dictated/FORCED by others no matter how well intentioned....
I have been using leveraged and/or inverse ETFs, according to market conditions and my specific investment goals, for more than fifteen years. They are vital to hedging strategies, and they deliver greater performance for fewer invested dollars, making them more efficient in many different circumstances than standard ETFs or direct equity investments. I can make my own decisions, and I don
Dear Finra,
I became involved in managing my own portfolio as a college student. While I may not be a finance major, as an investor I have had a net benefit to have free access to a variety of financial instruments. Yes, some are "complex" such as inverse funds, but that does not mean that this area of investing needs regulation. It is up to individuals to exercise their best
I oppose limitations on my investments!
I feel that it is not the government's job to operate as big brother and tell me what I can and can't invest MY money in as far as the stock market is concerned. Inverse and leveraged funds have a place in my portfolio. They are in there for multiple purposes. Most of the time they are used for short term hedges and other times they are helpful in swing trades when the market is going
No to regulating. Communism
I oppose limitations on my investments!