FINRA’s Office of Financial Innovation (OFI) is the central point of coordination for issues related to significant financial innovations by FINRA member firms, particularly new uses of financial technology (FinTech).
SEC Regulation Best Interest sets forth the standard of conduct broker-dealers must provide to their retail customers when they make recommendations of securities or investment strategies involving securities. Form CRS is a relationship summary disclosure that broker-dealers and SEC-registered investment advisers must provide retail investors.
FINRA has begun disseminating individual transactions in active U.S. Treasury securities at the end of the day, raising the level of transparency in the market for these benchmark securities.
During its March 6 and 7 meeting, the FINRA Board of Governors approved a rule proposal to lower the age at which parties qualify for accelerated arbitration processing and approved the allocation of prior-year fine monies.
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (“FINRA”) is filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC” or “Commission”) a proposed rule change to provide relief relating to specified option transactions under FINRA Rule 4210 (Margin Requirements).
Public GovernorFormer CEO, CalSTRSGovernor Since 2018Committees: Compensation & Human Capital Committee, Conflicts Committee, Finance, Operations & Technology Committee, Investment Committee (Chair), Regulatory Policy CommitteeProfessional ExperienceCEO, CalSTRS (2002 – 2021)Vice President, Great-West Life & Annuity Insurance Company (2000 – 2002)Colorado Public Employees
Inverse and leveraged funds are a very important part of my investing. I have been able to weather the lows by using those funds and have gone beyond just preserving my initial capital. I am fully capable of using this type of strategy to manage my money when needed, and do not believe I should be regulated more than any other member of the public. This should not be another case of just the
News reports stating that FINRA has approved a security for trading, quoting or listing are wrong in virtually every respect. FINRA does not ever qualitatively evaluate or approve a security such as a stock. Instead, FINRA verifies a broker-dealer can demonstrate it has completed its required diligence to begin quoting.
With over 20,000 companies whose shares trade either on a U.S. exchange or in over-the-counter markets, there’s ample room for confusion. Fundamental research and an understanding about the way in which stocks are listed and traded can go a long way toward helping you make sound investment decisions.
When a company files for bankruptcy protection, chances are its shares will lose most, if not all, of their value. Here’s a look at what shareholders can expect and why it’s so risky to trade in the delisted shares of bankrupt companies.