Dear Sir/Madam, It is very important, imperative and urgent request to the management of FINRA to facilitate an individual IRA account holders have the freedom to trade with unlimited number of times with no restrictions. I truly appreciate your understand and supporting long the lines. Thanks & Best Regards, Rajaiah Chinthanippula [REDACTED]
I am investing and trading for years now. I have spend plenty of money to learn all of this. I understand the products I use. Putting restrictions on what FINRA thinks are "complex" funds, will limit my ability to manage risk in a way that works for me. I do not need and I do not want the government to tell what I can or can not do with my money.
At the end of the day: if I
Why are you trying to limit this when you should be investigating the crypto circus?
I feel all Americans should be able to determine their own financial investments without government interference. Leave us alone. If I make a mistake, it is my own fault. That is the price of freedom.
I manage a small RIA firm. In one of our strategies, we use a leveraged S&P 500 fund for some of our clients several times a year when our indicators show the market is trending strongly. We have stops in place and usually exit the position after a few weeks. For several years, we have been able to give our clients some extra return with very little added risk. Please do not take
The proposed regulations to restrict individual investors' ability to buy leveraged and inverse funds are not acceptable. We do not need anyone to determine which investments we can consider and purchase. We are capable of doing the necessary due diligence and do not need your supervision other than to make sure we receive factual information.
Any investment available to some investors
Inverse funds are important protection for downside risk in my IRA Account. If were not for the instruments I would have had to go cash instead of going delta neutral and still collect blue chip dividends. The result is I had good 1st Q 22 not bad for an average Joe. It pains to think you going thru this exercise again. In 2006 I got scared out my hedges by this same scrutiny and suffered heavy
Inverse funds allow me to take contrarian positions when I believe the market is behaving in unsustainable manners, not only preventing losses on my positions, but furthering my gains. Preventing household investors like me from choosing these funds limits the ability for me to choose the right strategies that I believe will pay off in the long term. Anyone is capable of reading the risks of
I am quite capable of making decisions on my own regarding finances, and do not need regulators to interfere on my personal affairs, as you are not doing such a great job on regulating what needs to be regulated.
No interference necessary.
i am fully reconized risk.