Regulate wall street not main street. You are just adding extra hoops for retail traders to jump through. If a retail trader wants to take on a lot of risk, they will find a way to do it. You are not protecting anyone. This will just widen the gap between the average investor and institutional investors.
There is no reason to limit the availability of these funds. No cooling off period is warranted.
We would to trade pro shares as a experienced trader it is our responsibility to trade stocks or etfs we like
I have been a long term investor in leveraged products for more than 12 years. I am a responsible and an educated investor with these type of investments. My broker, TD Ameritrade provides a warning every time an order for leveraged/inverse investment is made. These are not Meme stocks or high risk options that need any sort of regulation. In fact, meme stocks and options are the ones that need
Most leveraged funds SHOULD probably be restricted to certain qualified investors as they often have extraordinary risks that the casual or long-term investor may not be aware of. The risks need to be clearly explained.
I belive that I as an adult should have the ability to take responsible for my own action. As result, I should not be limited my investment strategy. It is also important that I can take portion of investment to use leverage and inverse funds to hedge or enhance my investment.
Best regards,
I should be able to choose the public investments I want to make without any special process like inverse funds, etc. They have proven to be important strategies for me for hedging my portfolio.
I am outraged that FINRA has the temerity to even think of treating investors as small children! As an Options Trader, I find leveraged and inverse funds to be child's play.
We have enough stupid people in government who think the American people are idiots.
I think we need to disband the current members of FINRA and find real Americans to do this job. Or better yet, dissolve FINRA
It should be to the investors chose to buy stocks. If they are available and the people agree they fit their goals it is their right to purchase and sell.
I oppose any restrictions on my ability to choose investments that I deem right for my family