In order to perform system maintenance, the FINRA Test Facility (NTF) will be unavailable for client testing for all products on Friday, April 26, 2024. Production systems are unaffected by this event. NTF will become available again for all products starting April 29, 2024. Please contact FINRA Product Management or call (866)
In accordance with the industry-led initiative to shorten the settlement cycle from two business days (T+2) to one business day (T+1), FINRA will sponsor two production User Acceptance Tests (UAT) to allow clients to test the changes for T+1 Settlement for the Over-The-Counter Reporting Facility (ORF) and the Alternative Display Facility (ADF). These tests will occur on Saturday, May 4, 2024, and
(a) Members Required to Provide Notice
(1) To facilitate trade reporting and dissemination of transactions in TRACE-Eligible Securities and to provide market participants in the Corporate Debt Security markets with reliable and timely new issue reference data to facilitate the trading and settlement of these instruments, a member that is a managing underwriter of a distribution or offering (
Is there a rule that addresses prohibited conditions relating to expungement of customer dispute information?
Yes, FINRA Rule 2081 provides that no member or associated person shall condition or seek to condition settlement of a dispute with a customer on, or to otherwise compensate the customer for, the customer’s agreement to consent to, or not to oppose, the member’s or associated person’s
Abby Slonecker joined FINRA in early 2021 as Chief of Staff to Greg Ruppert and Senior Vice President of Member Supervision’s Office of Strategy and Program Risk (OSPR). In her role as Chief of Staff, she executes Greg’s strategic vision toward fulfilling FINRA’s mission and advises his Senior Leadership team. As SVP of OSPR, she oversees five teams that advise and support Member Supervision’s
Feral Talib is an Executive Vice President and the Head of Surveillance and Market Intelligence in FINRA’s Market Regulation and Transparency Services (MRTS) department, with responsibility for leading FINRA’s market surveillance programs.Mr. Talib was previously the Global Head of Market Surveillance at BNP Paribas Group. In that role, he had strategic leadership of all market surveillance
Public GovernorFormer Chair and CEO, Ontario Securities CommissionGovernor Since 2020Committees: Audit & Risk Committee, Executive Committee, Nominating & Governance Committee, Regulatory Oversight Committee, Regulatory Policy Committee (Chair)Professional ExperienceOntario Securities CommissionFormer Chair and Chief Executive Officer (2016 – 2020)Executive Director &
Industry Governor (Floor Member)PresidentUBS Securities LLCGovernor Since 2024Professional ExperiencePresident, UBS Americas (2022 – present)Federal Reserve Bank of NY (2021 – 2022)Morgan Stanley Wealth Management (2016 – 2020)Current Board Service and AffiliationsBoard Member, Partnership for New York CityBoard Member, American Swiss Foundation BoardBoard Member, Ownership WorksEducationMBA,
To conduct securities transactions and business with the investing public in the United States both firms and individuals must be registered with FINRA. Firms must apply and meet certain membership standards to become a FINRA-registered broker-dealer. The New Member Application Form (Form NMA) is used by FINRA’s Membership Application Program (MAP) Group to assess whether an Applicant meets those
FINRA administers access to secure applications for various regulatory purposes. Learn more below about how you can request access to the appropriate systems:Request Access via Super Account Administrator (SAA) FormBroker-Dealers, Capital Acquisition Brokers (CABs), Funding Portals, Investment Advisers, Private Fund Advisers, Regulators and Service ProvidersCreate Your Own Account (Register New