I believe the ability to buy leveraged and inverse funds are important part of investing. It is a great way to hedge when used responsibly as limited part of my overall portfolio. It is imperative to have access as this type of investment allows me to invest peacefully during chaotic times as I know I have protection.
Please allow us to continue to have access!
Retail investors should have the freedom to choose whatever investment that is right for them. You are attempting to put a paywall in front of instruments making it only available to a select few individuals
The ability to use leveraged and inverse funds is a vital way to hedge against your portfolio. If you limit the use of these funds in any way you are creating more risk for investors. This would be a huge mistake!!!! Barry Schutsky
In today's world we, the public, need alternative ways to invest. we do not need government interference to tell us what is good and bad for us. look at what government did with the virus, screwed up the world. If you want to control something do not let our legislative body have free access to information and then allow them to act on the information. what is good for thee is good for me.
I have been investing in leveraged funds for many years, any investment has risk, leveraged funds carry less risk than many individual stocks that have no such requirement as they are a balance of many stocks which is better than someone who invests too much in a specific stock.
The PEOPLE should be able to choose the public
investments that are right for them and their families
Public investments should be available to all of the public,
not just the privileged. We've had enough of market manipulation and we need to stay a free market economy. People need to be allowed to make their own decisions. Cryptocurrency is new and it's threatening the system
Market is never perfectly efficient, but these leveraged and inverse funds actually help investors like us to better manage risks and balance out the irrationalities in the market. Restrictions like this only postpone risks at best and impose longer-term threat to the market.
I am extremely disappointed to hear about yet another regulation to come from this already overreaching authority. I am an individual investor and these leveraged products have played an important role in my portfolio for over a decade. I have used them to both limit my risk and to enhance returns. As an example, I wanted exposure to the S&P 500 but also wanted to hedge a portion of
Good morning.
I think these proposed regulations are messed up. Just yesterday I was reading how Fidelity is allowing bitcoin in retirement accounts (that Ponzi scheme is something that MIGHT be worth your time, but not this). I live in America and I don't want or need our government limiting me. I want the same opportunity to make money as everyone else. Please stop making more and
I oppose these new regulations that they want to implement in these ETFs. I think it is unfair that only qualified people or people with degrees in finance can access this type of investment. As a small investor, I believe that my money has the same value as yours, so I don't understand why there is discrimination. Each person assumes the risk of their investments. I beg you to