Please do not pass this. People should be able to invest into anything they want to. You are taking away investing freedoms and saving them for extremely wealthy investors and investment funds. Protect us by protecting our autonomy.
People who invest in leveraged funds already understand the risk.Stop regulations against it.
Myselfnot unelected regulatorsshould be able to choose the public investments that are right for myself. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just those who can demonstrate a high net worth or income. Myself, and most all educated investors, are capable of understanding the risks associated with leveraged and inverse funds. We do not need the government to protect us
I think that imposing regulations in terms of what people are allowed and not allowed to invest in is discriminatory arbitrary. I think people should be allowed to invest their hard earned money the way they best see fit. This regulation has the potential to descriminate against every day working people while more affluent folks are allowed to continue their use. I very much want to continue my
I am vehemently opposed to any changes regarding leveraged ETFs. We should be able to make our own decisions with our own money. I use small amounts of leverage within my own risk profile. I fully understand the risks, and I've both hedged against them, and will not be wiped out if my leveraged investments go to zero. Removing this ability would greatly harm informed users.
Leverage is
These are complex financial instruments but less risky than options or individual stock ownership. Please do not regulate these.
I strongly oppose restrictions on my right to invest in public investments. I should be able to choose the public investments that meet my investing goals without going through any special process or seeking someone's permission. I understand the risks of leveraged and inverse funds. Leveraged funds are an important strategy in enhancing my returns.
Inverse funds are important to my investment strategy.
Please do not limit our choices in what is supposed to be a free market.
You said it all in this notice.