Restricting access to any publicly traded securities, leveraged and inverse included, should never occur in the USA under any circumstances. It's important to keep public markets truly public and regulation that restricts public access is not a part of the core principles of our democracy or a capitalistic society. Take that [REDACTED] to Venezuela or Cuba!
I strongly oppose FINRA efforts to curtail my ability to invest freely per current regulations in any publicly traded fund which I find suitable to my own financial goals. I have for two years developed an investment method, utilizing only the trading of leveraged funds, designed to provide retirement security and financial stability for myself and my two children. I do not require government
I have been investing in leverage etfs for a while and I think everyone should be freely able to invest in this products. We should NOT be limited!
Please mind your business and leave us alone regarding what I choose to invest my money into! I use inverse and leveraged etfs to boost my returns and I am well aware of the risks associated with the these etfs.
Retail should have the same investment opportunities as institutional
I been doing fine with the Leverage ETF.
I find these funds important to my portfolio and I been using it very wisely.
I don't see a logical research of getting ready of the leverage and inverse funds.
Thank you
Let me decide where I can invest my money
Don't take this away.
You can have more requirement.
I am an individual investor directing my own portfolios. The right to choose the investment vehicles that I deem best for me and my investment goals, risk tolerance, and interests should be sacrosanct. If I wish to invest in public securities such as leveraged and inverse funds, cryptocurrency funds, etc., doing so should be my choice without regulators dictating to me, requiring special testing