I feel this is a violation of my freedom to make my own decisions, in my finance, the goverment and left wing democrats need to quit pushing socialism on this country, that was founded on freedom of speech, and the rite to choose what is best for ones self.
Restrictions to leveraged funds for retails investors is inequality. As a retail investor, weve had enough of this . Please do NOT restrict these funds.
I dont feel the gov. Has any right to limit my use of inverse etfs under any circumstances
Leave my investment alone. I spent years with losses, now that things are going my way and am recovering my losses, you want to pull out the rug and leave me out in the cold is wrong, if not even evil. How can I even have any confidence if you change the game that causes me damage.
Please do not take this right away from responsible experienced investors.
I vehemently oppose the inflingement on my right to invest in public investments in this county. I am a proud immigrant and worked very hard to get here legally and earn my status in this society by working HARD. I have a family with 3 small children and WE should be able to choose where we want our hard earned assets to be invested. Not only the privileged should be having access to the free
Please let investors decide what to invest in for themselves freely. It's makes sense for regulators to ask for more transparency from the issuers, but not to limit what investors can trade.
Regulators are okay with people signing their life away with student debt, but get nervous when the little guys buy low and pull them selves up on their own. Let the free market be free and leave people alone to make their own decisions, for better or worse.
This rule should not be passed. I vote no for passing.
I, not regulators, should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before you can invest in public securities, like