I oppose any restrictions on my right to invest. Investments shouldn't be available only to the privileged few.
i should ba able to choose my investments on my own.ishould not have to go through a special test process investing in bito is important to achieve my own objectivesjohn van dam
I am Retired, and manage my IRA myself. I listen carefully to a variety of Investors using TV and Internet sources. I frequently utilize ProShare Leveraged and Inverse Funds in this endeavor. I am fully-aware of the Risks of using these vehicles Long Term. I use them for Short Term Opportunities. I would like to use these Funds well into my Future Retirement Years.
Let everybody do what ever they want Take care from bigger problems
I took the the Financial Program and it did not help. The broker intercedes and advises on all vehicles I trade.
For years I have timed and learned the markets.
It only comes from experience in testing and not some education program. It is trying different vehicles then testing for knowing how they work
Regulations do not protect the beginner and what test can any one come up with to compete with
This is a free enterprise country. It would be, in my opinion, unlawful to interfere with a newer and probably better monitary system.
Taxation without representation is extortion. If you're not representing me and my interests, then who are you representing? We have rights!
Good morning. It has come to my attention that you are possibly looking to eliminate leveraged inverse ETF funds, or access to them by "normal" investors". Or, you would require going through a "special process" or test in order to have access to them. Please understand that NO ONE gets into these products without first doing research and learning about them. They are
I consider it is my right to invest how I desire without ANY outside interference - especially from a group trying to take away one of my privileges to control my own life. I want this take-over activity to STOP immediately. I resent anyone telling me what I can do with my own hard-earned money.
It must be made clear to this FINRA that they are barking up the wrong tree. FINRA can go away and