Within FINRA, we view ourselves as working on the “front lines” of investor protection. What does that mean? It means that we act quickly to identify misconduct, stop fraud and prevent losses, obtain restitution for harmed investors, and remove bad actors from the brokerage industry. Here, we are focusing on that last piece—barring bad actors from associating with a
In the last two years, FINRA has barred more than 730 brokers and associated persons. What was the most prevalent rule violation that resulted in these bars? You might think that the most brokers were barred for violating FINRA’s rule against misuse of customer funds (FINRA Rule 2150) or making fraudulent misrepresentations (Rule 2020) or, perhaps, for excessively trading customer accounts in
While Generative AI and large language models present numerous opportunities to create business efficiencies and offer many potential benefits to firms, regulators and investors, they also introduce unique risks. On this episode, we hear from three experts at FINRA who are closely looking at these technologies and following developments in this space.
You must be registered with FINRA if you’re engaged in the securities business of your firm, which includes salespersons, branch managers, department supervisors, partners, officers and directors.
There are two types of 529 plans—prepaid tuition plans and savings plans. Prepaid plans offer protection against rising tuition costs. Savings plans allow earnings to grow tax-deferred, and withdrawals are tax-free when used for qualified education expenses. Nearly every state offers at least one of these types of plans.
By Christine Kieffer, Senior Director, Office of Investor Education, FINRALast month, financial columnist Charlotte Cowles detailed how she lost $50,000 to a financial scam. Charlotte’s story is both alarming and illuminating—and very powerful. And, sadly, she is not alone.There likely are millions of scam stories like hers. Sophisticated criminal organizations steal billions of dollars every
TRACE Academic Waiver Policy
FINRA has been made aware that users of the TRACE and ORF New Issue Form have reported that the main grid is not loading efficiently. FINRA is working to resolve this problem.
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