I am just writing to say that I do not support any changes or restrictions on leveraged ETF's. I believe that it is very clear in how these ETF's work and it is made VERY clear that they provide daily returns on whatever they are tracking and are NOT meant to be held long term. They function just fine and I do not believe they need anymore oversight or regulation.
Being able to invest in anything is part of why the US is so great.
The advent of low cost self-directed trading in options and so called complex ETPs has greatly democratized investing by giving average people the opportunity to employ investment strategies previously available only to the wealthy.
I dont want the government restricting what I can trade or
Regarding Regulatory Notice #22-08: Please let individual investors choose what amount of risk they are willing to take for themselves and their families. Leveraged and inverse funds may become more specialized to the ultra-rich investor if more hurdles are put in place for those who wish to invest their money in such vehicles.
Please allow the people to govern their own investments
I oppose the proposed rule as I believe it is over reaching and unnecessary. Leveraged and inverse funds are not that complex. Betting at the horse races and on sports teams would be a better target for regulation. And inverse and leveraged funds offer an important option for investors when conditions warrant the risk. I would hate to see complex rules and restrictions placed on this investment
You not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for you and your family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
Who precisely do you think that you are? Where does your supposed power originate? I have made it on my own and sure [REDACTED] don't need you! A TAXPAYER. [REDACTED]
This should nor be limited to just individuals who amass a high net worth.
Were told if we work hard and make smart investments then we can evaluate our financial status. Dont make if more difficult for those trying
I oppose restrictions on my right to invest in public investments.