I Oppose Restrictions to my right to invest.
My name is Jillian Cardona. I live, work and study in the state if Texas. Im a full time college student and work full time. I dont think I should have to pass a special test just to invest. By restricting the peoples right to invest, it will only cause more upset in the American People. There are many good things about living in the United States, like having the freedom of investing.
I have traded EFTs for more than 15 years, mostly leveraged, both on the positive and the inverse side, and sometimes both at the same time to hedge my position. I consider it a great way to protect my assets when I or my gurus seem particularly un-certain of the trend. Taking away this mechanism would be a totally ignorant idea, in my opinion. Sure, you need to know what you're doing, but
Im perfectly capable of handling my own investment decisions, thank you very much. Furthermore, I work for a company that has several REITS in place to invest in commercial real estate. You will hurt my employer by limiting potential investors who might otherwise help us find our endeavors.
Public investments should be available to all the public, not just the privilege.
I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me. Public investments should be available to all of the public,not just the privileged few. They are already holding the majority of the wealth in this country. My investment is for my future home and retirement. If this country refuses to let people choose their investments what is the point of being a US citizen? This is
I enjoy the right to purchase leveraged investment instruments as part of protecting my portfolio against market downturns. There a few other instruments that will work during downturns except cash.
The most fundamental ideology if the US Citizen experience is having the ability to have your own rags to riches story. It involves making your own way, picking yourself up by your bootstraps and a certain kind of grit. Really honestly what makes this any different than say a caste system? Modern day serfdom? Indentured servitude? I implore you to think long and hard about this. And I dont mean
Dear FINRA Members,
I have an IRA with a hedge fund that allows me to invest in down markets and up markets. So far, I have been able to keep my IRA balance at the same balance I had when I first opened it 5 years ago, despite the minimum annual distribution I am forced to take. Please do not change anything, survive on SS and my IRA.
Thank you for your consideration.
Just because I am not a high-net-worth individual does not mean I am incapable of understanding leverage ETFs and their risks. Please do not restrict my ability to invest. Leveraged and inverse funds are a part of my overall investment strategy and I want to continue to have the freedom to use these investment products when I feel they are appropriate.