the best mutual funds to invest in 2022
Let the people have control of their own money
My income has already been taxed and what I choose to do with the remainder is none of the governments business. Trust me, I will handle my hard earned fiat currency far better than you handle the tax payers dollars.
It could potentially deny the freedom to choose investments that could
help achieve long-term financial security
I want the freedom to choice qhere invest my money. Public and free
Me not regulators should be able to choose the public
investments that are right for me and my family.
Public investments should be available to all of the public,
not just the privileged.
I shouldn't have to go through any special process
like passing a test before you can invest in public securities,
like leveraged and inverse funds. I am capable of understanding
I have regularly invested in leveraged funds, both positive and negative. I have found these to be a good source of capital gains over the years. please do not restrict my ability to invest in these instruments by putting roadblocks in the way. understand the risk in leveraged and inverse funds and do not need to be protected. I would rather you spend your time figuring out a way to reduce
I am currently using the SQQQ and SPXU 3x leveraged inverse funds to protect my stock portfolio during this market downturn. The SPY is down 14.11% and the QQQ is down 23.64% from their highs. My stock portfolio is down only 12.18% from my high. The 3x leverage allowed me to start later from the highs and use less funds for portfolio protection. Otherwise I would have had to sell more of my
Let the onus fall on the investor to learn the risks of any investment strategy before investing. We don't need more regulation.
I have recently been made aware of the FINRA proposed rule #22-08, and it has me concerned for investors for the following reasons listed below. In summary, I believe if this rule is codified it will hurt investors more than help investors, will hurt the economy around investing in America, and is simply against the freedoms granted to us as being an American citizen.
1) The spirit of