I'm opposing limitations on my investments on exchange-traded funds.
I would be against any Regulatory measures that would restrict my purchase options regarding Complex Products. These funds represent a small part of my investments, however they have in the past enhanced my overall investment results. I presently hold an inverse position as a firewall against a possible market turndown or meltdown. Thanks You
It's a stupid law...don't you congressmen and government people get enough of our money already? Ya heard the joke where the only way Elon musk gets richer right? He becomes a government officer...keep away from our pittance
I oppose restrictions on my rights to invest due to the following reason. As an investor, I am entitled to make my own decisions to invest in a broad range of public securities designated as complex products by FINRA. It is up to the investors, not up to the government to decide if investing is necessary. The investors should have full access to their rights and responsibility regarding this
I have been using Proshares leveraged ETFs since 2017. I have found these ETFs to be helpful in enhancing my profits and securing an earlier retirement. I oppose any changes to existing regulations that would make it more difficult to access these funds.
Please allow personal investors to buy these type of public investments without putting up roadblocks based on bureaucratic rules with no basis in facts. I have invested in inverse funds and derivatives for over 20 years and have averaged at least an annual return on my investments of 11%. In times of bear markets, leveraged and inverse funds are a great tool to get a positive return on your
Comments: Regarding FINRA Regulatory Notice 22-08.
I was forced into early retirement as a result of Covid. As such, I was forced into living off my IRA earlier than planned. I have been investing and trading for 45 years. I am a small retail trader. I occasionally employ the use of leveraged and inverse ETFs to protect against losses or to enhance returns with due regard for their intended
I am contacting you to express my opposition to the proposals in Regulatory Notice 22-08. I see no justification for FINRA to restrict public access to any publicly traded financial products, including leveraged EFTs. These securities provide an efficient and economic vehicle for small investors to hedge portfolio risk, a strategy that has now become critical in the aftermath of more than a
Thanks for asking investor's feedback.
I understand your concerns regarding the complex products and associated risk. However, I would suggest you leave the decision to the investor, You can play a key role by mandating product providers to disclose all the risks and details about the underlying securities.
I would not expect FINRA to block the product provider to offer any product
The government has no legal rite too pass laws regarding our investments.