Jon Kroeper, Executive Vice President, Quality of Markets, is leaving FINRA, effective at year end, to pursue other opportunities.
GUIDANCEPartial Customer Account TransfersEffective Date: September 13, 2004SUGGESTED ROUTINGKEY TOPICSLegal & ComplianceOperationsSenior ManagementAutomated Customer Account TransferService (ACATS)Rule 11870Executive SummaryOn July 14, 2004, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) granted accelerated approval of amendments to Rule 11870 making the procedures for
ACTION REQUIREDBroker-Dealer and Investment Adviser RenewalsPayment Deadline: December 6, 2004SUGGESTED ROUTINGKEY TOPICSExecutive RepresentativesLegal & ComplianceOperationsSenior ManagementRegistered Representative, RegistrationIARDSMMaintenance FeesRegistrationRenewalsWeb CRD®Executive SummaryThe 2005 NASD Broker/Dealer and Investment Adviser Registration Renewal Program will begin on
INFORMATIONALNominees for NASD Board of GovernorsSUGGESTED ROUTINGKEY TOPICSExecutive RepresentativesSenior ManagementNASD Board of GovernorsExecutive SummaryThe Annual Meeting of NASD members will be held on January 4, 2005.The formal notice of the meeting, including the precise date, time, and location of the Annual Meeting, will be mailed on or about November 29, 2004.The individuals nominated
GUIDANCENon-Payment of Arbitration AwardsSUGGESTED ROUTINGKEY TOPICSExecutive RepresentativesLegal and ComplianceSenior ManagementNASD By-LawsNon-Payment of Arbitration AwardsExecutive SummaryThe Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has approved two amendments to the NASD By-Laws that further strengthen NASD's ability to prevent formerly associated persons from re-entering the securities
GUIDANCEDirect CommunicationEffective Date: September 30, 2004SUGGESTED ROUTINGKEY TOPICSLegal & ComplianceArbitrationArbitratorsDispute ResolutionExecutive SummaryThe Securities and Exchange Commission has approved new Rule 10334 of the NASD Code of Arbitration Procedure to permit direct communication among arbitrators and the parties to the arbitration (through their counsel)
GUIDANCEOATS Reporting RequirementsSUGGESTED ROUTINGKEY TOPICSExecutive RepresentativesLegal & ComplianceOperationsSenior ManagementOATSRule 6950 SeriesExecutive SummaryIn Notice to Members (NtM) 04-46 (June 2004), NASD announced that, beginning December 1, 2004, members would be required to use the Combined New Order/Route and Combined New Order/ Execution Reports (
GUIDANCEArbitration Chairperson SelectionEffective Date: September 17, 2004SUGGESTED ROUTINGKEY TOPICSLegal & ComplianceArbitrationArbitratorsDispute ResolutionExecutive SummaryThe Securities and Exchange Commission has approved amendments to Rule 10308 of the NASD Code of Arbitration Procedure to reduce the time allotted for the selection of a chairperson in an arbitration
GUIDANCEArbitrator Panel Training FeeEffective Date: September 16, 2004SUGGESTED ROUTINGKEY TOPICSLegal & ComplianceArbitratorsArbitrationFeesExecutive SummaryOn June 16, 2004, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved an NASD proposal to increase the fee for arbitrator panel training from $100 to $125.1 The fee change is effective on September 16, 2004.Questions/Further
SEC Approves New FINRA Rule 4524 Requiring the Filing of Supplemental FOCUS Information and a Supplementary Schedule to the Statement of Income (Loss) Page of the FOCUS Report