Hello! Im writing to you regarding your decision to regulate leveraged etfs. And possibly other investment options. I not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. It seems the government allows rules for the rich. that are different from the rest of us. I
I am upset about this restriction. I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before you can invest in public securities like leveraged and inverse funds. I do not have to demonstrate my proficiency in investing to invest in these types of vehicles which are important to my
Leveraged and inverse funds are important investments strategies. We should be able to choose our investments, that's not a privilege.
Do not change anything regarding my right to buy leveraged and inverse funds. I have been using these for a number of years and understand fully the risk that I am taking.
Leveraged ETF's enable common individuals to participate in market movements with lower barriers of entry. Individuals are capable of understanding and managing their own investments. This type of regulation further curtails our ability to enter and participate in the free markets.
I am not a high net worth individual but I understand these investments and have invested successfully in them for years.
I see no reason to hinder my ability to freely trade in these securities.
Frankly, I find this federal overreach. This regulation would be taking away my ability to hedge long positions in my portfolio with leveraged short positions, thus allowing me to reduce execution costs, margin costs etc. Frankly it also props up the buy side dealers in their offering of more expensive hedging products. These types of ETF's are a simple way to hedge and do not need any
As a retail investor, I find it insulting and disrespectful that FINRA could think that leveraged and inverse ETFs and other products are too complex for the retail investor to use and that you need to protect us from these products. I have used various leveraged and inverse products for many years and had made significant amounts of money trading with these important tools. If you remove these
I use leveraged products as a part of my portfolio allocation.
I dont know if you have read the 2008 paper by Yale researchers Ayres and Nalenluff titled, Life-Cycle Investing and Leverage: Buying Stock on Margin Can Reduce Retirement Risk.
In this paper, they detail how the use of leverage in stocks for young investors can REDUCE the risk those investors will not have enough in retirement.
Continue to allow our ability to make our own decisions on investing in leveraged and inverse funds. This is a significant option to be in the stock markets. Without it I an many may divest in these markets and find other alternatives for investment options including cryptocurrencies.