I use short funds and leveraged funds as hedge against market downturns. I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
I believe it would be unfortunate if leveraged and inverse funds would cease to be available to all investors because they are very effective tools for hedging risk and pursue enhanced returns in the construction of a balanced portfolio.
The availability of pre-packaged instruments like inverse and leveraged funds empowers investors, small and large, with tools that would otherwise only be
I am an investor with over 25 years of investment experience. I should be able to buy/ trade any public investment that is available in the market place that fits my objectives. Institutions already have a lot of advanced capabilities thats not available to individuals like me. Leveraged and inverse ETFs are an effective way of hedging and reduce capital risk. I know the risk and benefits
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest. My money is my money. I should be able to choose whether to invest it or not. If I choose to invest it, I should be able to invest it in whatever way I see fit. A politician should not have any say in how I invest MY money!
I am very capable of doing my own research and take every investment into thorough consideration before investing. I should not
I have been an investor in public securities for 50 years. For 17 years, I served as a financial advisor. It is my thought that limiting investment choices in public investments only serves to restrict the ability of ordinary investors to restrict the ability of ordinary investors to preserve their capital.
Individual investors are at a massive disadvantage compared to institutions. Do not impose additional restrictions that hurt the everyday citizen. Restrict congress' ability to trade, not mine.
I will vote against any candidate that supports these restrictions. This is my number 1 issue. I plan on living on my investments someday and your actions are impacting my ability to do so.
I have an investment/finance degree and have managed investments for numerous years including stocks, bonds, options, futures contracts, etfs, leveraged etfs and inverse leveraged etfs. I do understand risks involved with leveraged and inverse funds and accept those risks. By limiting investment transactions through this regulation WILL take away market efficiency. By taking away market
I am extremely concerned about the threat to my freedom with regards to my investments. I am fully aware of the risks involved in the leveraged funds I choose. I do not need intervention of the government to make decisions for me and my family. I need to make investment decisions to hedge my finances against the governments decisions. For example, the current administration's policy on
We oppose the limitations on our ability to buy Proshares.
I vehemently oppose any measure or regulation imposed on my behalf for investing of my own money. No one has the right to regulate how I choose to invest my money, test my knowledge, have a certain net worth, use a broker or get special approval from a broker. It is my right to spend, invest, or not, the money that I work for every single day and have since I was 16 yrs of age. Its preposterous