I not regulators should be able to choose the public
investments that are right for you and your family.
Public investments should be available to all of the public,
not just the privileged.
Not only do I have the right to share your views,
but the regulators are required to take your comments into
consideration in deciding whether to move forward.
Thank you for taking action.
We not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. LIST OF INVESTMENTS THAT MAY BE AT RISK: Target Date Funds Non-Traditional Index Funds (Smart Beta + ESG) Emerging Market Funds High Yield Bond Funds Closed-end Funds Commodity Funds Cryptocurrency Funds
It seems that our government is increasingly inserting itself into the lives of its citizens, insinuating that they are not competent to make their own decisions regarding risk. In my case, leveraged investments allow me to keep a larger percentage of my portfolio in cash (liquid and lower risk). The leveraged investments allow me to participate in the market.
I shouldn't have to go
Having access to inverse funds, such as the ones available from ProShares, is extremely important to me as it helps me hedge risk in my equities portfolio.
I do understand that many consumers may not be familiar with the risks so I fully support limitations on levered funds including 2x, 3x, etc. However, access to inverse funds should be kept available.
Thanks for protecting me as a retail
I believe people should be able to ivest money as they wish. I do not want to see more restrictions put onto investors. Please do not limit our investing ability.
Thank you.
I am not a big investor, and I believe in free and universal access to the markets. I was fully informed by my broker about the risks involved in leveraged and inverse funds, which are an important security hedge for me should the market crash. I am opposed to SEC Proposed Rule #S7-24-15 and urge you to consider the harmful and unnecessary limitations it would impose on myself and others like me
great for investors choice.
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest.
I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and they should be available to all of the public.
I should have to go through a special process to invest in public securities (leveraged and inverse funds). I am capable of understanding the risks.
Please do not place unfair burdens on investors that are not needed.
The ability to invest in leveraged securities as part of a well balanced portfolio is needed. To restrict this to retail investors is absurd. I should be able to invest in what I want to invest in as a right!
I use leveraged equities to hedge investments for protections. And it has been helpful to offset volatility in the market. I dont have millions to invest but when I look for products