Although only a small portion of my investment these options are important and should not be subject to increasing regulation. Although trending in today's society, regulating personal freedom is not needed and represents yet another overstep.
Keep your corrupt governments greedy hands out if! A free market means free.
Once again, when the democracts take power all they want to do is take away trading options for the guy. I don't have a pension like you people, us out here have to save and invest to secure our retirements. Now you want to stop the little guy from trading complex products - Proshares. I am currently using these to offset the losses from the market sell offs. Otherwise I have sit back
The fact that members of Congress are able to make investments that are not available to ordinary citizens should be absolutely illegal! Investors should not be barred from legitimate opportunities... PERIOD!!!
I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before I invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. I understand leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. I do not need
The elements of your proposed legislation is unfair, arbitrary and capricious.
I opposed it on the grounds that it is discriminatory, and an intrusive overreach of a regulatory agency.
I believe that if banks and large investing institutions such as corporations can invest in a financial instrument then so should a free American have that right as well.
Mitch Naylor
I am a 74-year-old conservative and cautious investor who has successfully used triple-leveraged ETF's during the last nine years to provide supplemental income for retirement. I and my 69-year-old wife do not live extravagant lifestyles, but these EFT investments have allowed us to live a middle-class life in retirement. However, if the freedom to use these investments was taken away
I dont think its right. There looking so that there the only ones making a Profit. Dont like it
I oppose restrictions on my investment opportunities. I am a normal "retail" investor and not affiliated with any finanical institution. I have been able to educate myself and understand the risks of "complex" products such as those being considered for these regulations. I should not have to pass any "test", at most only sign/check an