Leave our rights to purchase crypto alone...
We worked hard for the money
Please stop cutting we the American people's right to provide for our retirement.
Social Security has been cut and we are taxed on it, too.
The current regime in the White House is doing everything to end our human Constitutioal rights at every turn. They are
trying to turn us into a Socialist country.
The measures being forced on us effect you too.
I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for you and your family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. I have a degree from Harvard and don't need to pass a test to invest in public securities. I utilize leveraged and inverse funds as an important yet carefully managed and small part of my portfolio.
I am alarmed and disturbed by the prospect of FINRA regulating investments by blocking or impeding investors' access to them.
Hedging and leveraging with exchange-traded funds are cornerstones of my personal investment strategy. I can't afford to and don't want to invest in the futures market directly, and I don't think options offer a good risk-reward profile
Hello. i have been investing for 20 years and have a portion (small portion) of my account in the TQQQ. I request that you keep this available to me!
I use leveraged products as part of my portfolio and I am well aware of the risks they carry. Leverage products such as UPRO and TQQQ can be used effectively as a component of a broader investment strategy and should not be restricted from public retail investors because some decide not to properly educate themselves on the risk they carry. It is important for individual citizens to have the
I do not want my choices to invest be limited by anyone. It's my money and I want to invest as I choose. If I lose money, no one else is bothered, it's my money. If I gain, I pay taxes. Don't make it harder for everyone to invest.
Comments: Leverage erf is an effective tool to help investors to achieve their leverage adjustment at different levels. When properly use it, the risk is smaller than directly use margin. I hope it will still be available as an option for my portfolio diversity.
Thank you!
This extremely unjust and should not take away our rights to invest and try and better our lives. This is NOT fair and should be treated as criminal to take away our right to freely explore better options for our lives.
Public investments should be available to everyone, not just the privileged. No one should have to pass a test before they can invest in public securities, including cryptocurrency funds.