I oppose the regulations. We are Free to trade in US.
Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment strategies. I use them to hedge my investments and seek enhanced returns. They are a limited part of my overall portfolio.
I have used leverage to enhance my portfolio gains. I also use them in my retirement account. To eliminate them would be a big disservice to investors. Leverage works like any other investment, whether its commodities, metals or even bonds. Please dont impose your thoughts and try to regulate all investors with one stroke. Im capable of understanding the risk Im taking with leverage both regular
I have been using and relying on leverage and inverse ETFs to manage my and my families accounts in regular and retirement accounts for decades. The results have been either the same or better than standard mutual funds and have beaten the S&P average on a number of occasions.
A change to the current regulations would potentially negatively affect my investment strategies and family
I not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before I can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks
I oppose restriction to my right to invest.
Use of Inverse and Leveraged ETFs are great for investors to use when the markets are not functioning properly, perfect for late 2021 and now 2022. ETFs are common, simple, even teenagers understand how to use them.
Planning for retirement in a bear market is difficult in the best of times. When we hit a bear market, or a crashing market at the age of 60+, with inflation over 8%, certainly we
What is the purpose of this change? It seems that this change is to benefit institutional investors by restricting retail investors access to complex products. Leveraged and inverse ETFs are incredibly important to my trading strategy and would be detrimental to my portfolio to remove or limit my access to these products. These are important protections and funds available to continue growing my
Please let it a free will investment. FINRAs regulation change will give undue advantage to some bigger players only.
Regulations that prevent the freedoms of individual's investment of THEIR capital into legal markets not only perpetuates the growing wealth gap through asymmetric opportunity but also encourages the few authorized to use their HUMAN RIGHTS to abuse their positions to grow their wealth through collusion of the few (accredited investing barriers to entry serve as pillars to capitalistic