Private investors should be able to choose the public investments that are right for them, and public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
Leveraged Investments should be available to every investor regardless of net worth without restrictions. Thank you.
Ive used leveraged investments for years now. It an important investment strategy in my portfolio. I understand the ratio against its common etf (3) I tend to buy when the market is in bear territory. Thus improving my chance of success. Its NOT rocket science. I also recognize that its risky for nervous investors who are fearful. I keep these investments presently low in value and only increase
The Tenor of these regulations suggest an attempted manipulation of the market, as for example to always be long and not go short, manipulation more than protection of investors, which is intended purpose of the regulation I presume.
Secondly, to assume that a 2X leveraged investment is too complicated for the average investor to understand is an incomprehensible stand. Is a 2% yield on a
I not regulators should be able to choose the public
investments that are right for you and your family.
Public investments should be available to all of the public,
not just the privileged.
It is very important that you express your views in your own
wordsyour comments are more likely to be taken seriously
by FINRA if they reflect your own experience and perspective.
Not only do
Please note my concerns about proposals to limit my access to various publicly traded investments. The bulk of my investments are either individual stocks or ETFs and mutual funds (either stocks, bonds or various alternatives like REITs or commodities). Occasionally, especially in times of market stress or at highs, I will take very modest positions in inverse products to offer some downside
The ability to use leveraged funds allows investors to reduce risk and achieve decent growth results. If I use 33% of my portfolio to purchase a 3X fund and leave the rest in CD's or an interest bearing account, total money grows at 1X the market and provides a safety net to 67% of the rest of the portfolio if the market tanks. It is for this reason I support the use of leveraged funds to
It is none of the government's buisness what I do.
The little guy should be able to play the same game big financial institutions play. Don't make equality worse, level the playing field.
I am writing to share my reasons for opposing any FINRA measures that would limit my ability to invest and trade in exchange-traded funds deemed by regulators to be "complex". Limiting members of the public from investing in funds deemed by Regulators to be "complex" is contrary to the most fundamental bedrock of the US Constitution - Government must treat all citizens equally