Please do not regulate investment in LEVERAGED AND INVERSE FUNDS
I do not believe that unelected bureaucrats need to be burdening anyone with more regulations. If government officials need anything to occupy their time, perhaps they should begin enforcing the laws against insider trading which are ignored by most of our elected officials. Those of us in the retail trading side of the market do not need any more difficulties forced upon us as we
I should have the ability to choose which public investments are best for me. Public investments should be available to all of the public.
I should not be required to pass a test or any other special process in order to invest in public securities like leveraged and inverse funds. I am able understand and accept any risks associated both leveraged and inverse funds.
I use leveraged and inverse
I oppose my right to invest in crypto investment
It should be in the best interests of every American to be able to invest their money how they see fit. I believe each & every one of us have different investing strategies that fit our needs based on our own real life situations. Exactly what is your reasoning for limiting our choices? Is this in response to your belief & that of the SEC that the new wave of investors(
Please allow small investors to play on a level playing field and stop enriching wall street at the expense of smaller players. I am opposed to FINRA imposing strict limitations on what I freely choose to invest in. I'm a big boy and am prepared to deal with the consequences of my actions. I don't need a regulator telling me what is good and bad to invest in.
To Whom It May Concern [FINRA Regulators] -
I am the personal investment manager of my retirement accounts for the benefit of myself and family. Over the last decade, I have consistently outperformed professional fund managers.
As a knowledgeable, experienced, and self-reliant investor, I feel I have the right to manage my own investments in public companies that are appropriate for myself and
I have been investing with leveraged funds for years, why Should regulators be allowed to decide what and when I invest in?
I oppose restrictions
on my right to invest in public investments like leveraged and inverse funds
Keep your hands off my money.