Do not block nor make harder for small money investor for accessing leverage investment instruments. It is the only chance we have to compete with big money. Regardless of the investment knowledge or net worth the regulations shall prevent fraud, scams; not blocking for using investment instruments. If the regulation reason is to protect the little money investor, then protect them from big money
Please allow consume their rights to direct their investments which is their hard earned money which allows for stronger economic recovery. And consumer trust. V
I opposed restrictions to my right to invest leverage and inverse funds. Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment strategies. They help me hedge my investments and I use them as a limited part of my portfolio. In addition, public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
I am writing to oppose restrictions on leveraged and inverse funds. Both of those funds allow investors to engage in investment strategies that is already allowed in an efficient manner. For example, Regulation T margin and portfolio margin offered by brokers already allows significant leverage and an inverse fund could be implemented by shorting the underlying security. What both leveraged
People should be able to choose the public investments that are right for themselves and families.
The Fed and Congress together have conjured, and spent, $6,500,000,000,000 in two years. This coupled with inflation are devaluing the dollar.
FINRAs response? Take control of Crypto and block the exits.
Separately, FINRA is trying to prevent retail investors from trading downward during this decline and instead force them to lock their retirement monies in long. Only long. This is criminal.
Please allow investors to be in equal footing with institutions
Investing has helped me grow my portfolio at a young age, and removing complex investing strategies will make it harder for me to learn
I have not used leveraged funds but inverse funds are an important part of my investment strategy as protection against market downturns and also for selling options. Brokerage companies already issue appropriate warnings to their customers re: risks. Please do not restrict access to these funds.
The public has the right to choose their investments