These funds should be available to all, or to none. Restricting some from buying these funds exacerbates inequality, giving the rich tools to multiply their vast sums of money while locking the middle and lower classes out of these gains.
I have been investing in the stock market for about 50 years now. I do like to use leveraged and inverse funds to maximize my profits no matter which direction the market is moving. I know and understand the risks involved with these funds, and I should not have to prove my experience with them on each trade. I think these funds should be allowed to be traded as they are right now. They should
Let me as an investor decide what investment vehicles are right for me
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest!!!
I have a right to make my own decisions on how I want to invest my money.
You shouldn't have to go through any special process
like passing a test before you can invest in public securities,
like leveraged and inverse funds. Explain that you are
capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds
and their risks.
I oppose limitations on your ability to buy the Funds!
To be able to invest is a part of being free and being able to live as we please don't take that away from us.
As a retail investor, I should be able to choose which investments I want to invest my money in (including leveraged and inverse funds), based on my own research and risk assessment. I don't see any need for additional tests and reading material Current prospectus and details are more than sufficient and no further checks and restrictions are needed.
I'm offended by the arrogant supposition that investors are somehow incapable of managing their investment risk and trading, investment, and hedging strategies. Leveraged and inverse funds are valuable and innovative tools that actually allow prudent investors to decrease/manage risk and improve tax efficiency. Any regulatory attempts to restrict the availability and utility of these
The people should be free to invest their money in any legal asset. Full stop.
I completely disagree that regulators should be able to own the right to deny me the ability to use leveraged and inverse funds. I've been trading with these instruments for a decade and they have preserve my capital, and grown my net worth. Without these instruments, I'd be in trouble. These are very important particularly in the market we are in now when I can hedge my