Sounds like more socialism to me. Free people can make their own decisions about how to spend their own money. Less government involvement in my life is what I want
Leave my Crypto alone. Let us invest how we choose.
The loss of the ability to invest in inverse funds, such as SH (S&P inverse), is detrimental to my finances. Access to such funds allows me to add downside protection and stability to my overall portfolio.
I oppose restrictions regarding my right to invest in leveraged and inverse leveraged securities.
I oppose any restrictions on my rights to invest in leveraged and inverse ETFs.
This is an unconscionable intrusion into my financial life. How dare you assume I'm too stupid to understand or that I don't know how to manage my own money.
If there is something innately wrong with these financial instruments, then outlaw them for everyone. Otherwise, if they're legal instruments, it's my business and mine alone whether or not to invest in
I have a right to trade ETFs. I want to continue trade them. I have experience trading them for 15+ years
We should have the right to invest in any public investment without regulation. There should be no requirements to go through for the average American to invest in any above board, public stock.
Im not in favor of this new regulation. Please vote NO.
There should be ETFs that support both bullish and bearish trends that investors can trade in.