Make absolutely sure that crypto currency investments are open to everyone, not just the rich! Level the playing field now and for the foreseeable future. Crypto currency is not just for wealthy elite.its for everyone who would like to have some skin in the game so to speak. No investor, no matter how small, should not be barred from crypto investment opportunities.
We should not be restricted to investments you deem correct for us. Continue making sure all publicly traded investments meet stringent disclosure requirements as appropriate. Then leave the decision to us. Thank you.
It's especially important regulators hear from you in your own words. Please use the body of this email to customize your response I do not agree with any restrictions on my right to invest in any fund I choose to invest in . you should not have the right to restrict me from any fund or stock I choose.
Although I understand the intent to help prevent some investors from losing everything, but it is imperative that investors have options and choices. Levered funds enable an investor with high conviction about a direction and a sector to make outsized gains. If you take it away they will be forced to consider other alternatives. The last thing you want is a seriously uninformed investor
Hello, Regulators,
Nobody likes you. Many (fully) understand what you failingly attempt to do. Billionaires get full access to an American Dream, freedom to make money and upward mobility (they already have it.), while you (failingly) try to disenfranchise regular people those who can use it most. Free, and open markets mean free for all: Try focusing on frauds as stocks, frauds, Chinese A.D.R.
I-not regulators should be able to choose the public
investments that are right for me and my family.
Public investments should be available to all of the public,
not just the privileged.
I am opposed to the proposed changes in investment regulations which would prevent or restrict investors from buying "complex products" such as leveraged and inverse funds. I am a 65 year old retiree and this would have a profoundly negative impact on my retirement savings. If you want to impose limits on investors prohibit Senators and Representatives from investing in stocks.
I want to determine the amount of risk I can endure. Do not limit my investing choices.
Individuals, not regulators, should be able to choose the public investments that are right for them. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. And investors should take responsibility; if you do not fully understand an investment, do not make the investment, or be prepared, and take responsibility, for any potential losses.
Good afternoon,
I completely oppose this proposed regulation that will limit my investments.