Please let individual investors choose to invest in the instruments they want
"A vibrant market is at its best when it works for everyone" FINRA website. Imposing these constructions on retail trades is contradictory toyour mission statement.
It is necessary for the leveraged and inverse ETF!
I am against added restrictions to my ability to buy and sell complex products and options. As an adult, I am capable of understanding the risks involved and can judge for myself my desire for these types of products. It has never been easier to gather your own research as a retail investor than it is now, and I condemn further regulations that only attempt to fence off my ability to invest.
Retail investors are becoming more and more skilled, even as people have begun to invest from less traditional backgrounds. Requiring testing or other requirements prior to allowing investment in certain investment vehicles and products would effectively shut out many retail investors, particularly investors that are from non-traditional investment backgrounds.
Many investors, particularly
PLEASE...Do not punish educated investors by enacting the severe regulations which you are proposing in regards to inverse and leveraged ETFs. I have used these very successfully for many years. They compose an integral part of my investment strategy primarily as a volatility nuetralizer and as a hedge against downside risk. To date, I've successfully avoided punishing 2022 loses-
public investments should be available to everyone
The use of this these leveraged products has allowed my account to have excellent returns over the last many years from 2008 until now. I have only used the upside 2X leverage products and received very large returns, 1500% to 3500 % returns from 2008 through 12/31/2021. Yes there is high risk in these products unless they are used properly. So, what is proper use. If the products are only
Response to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) proposed rules on leveraged ETFs Leveraged ETFs may be volatile but it is not more volatile than many individual securities. In addition to uncertainties with individual stocks, Investors are able to allocate the use of leveraged ETFs to diverse their assets to fit their risk tolerance against the effects of a volatile and uncertain
Please do not impose restrictions/regulations on retail traders to invest in the market.