I oppose any restrictions to my rights to invest I should have the right to make decisions to protect myself. You never had an interest before so sit on the sidelines and watch an let me win or lose at my own bequest. Go find some other industry to regulate lit term limits or something less useful.
Your additional ideas on regulations concern me. I worry that poorly fishing for sharks you are going to catch a dolphin in your net, if you can follow an analogy. Leave ETFs out of this. There are no problems with trading ETFs like QQQ, SPY, DIA, TQQQ, & SQQQ that need to come under additional new regulations. If you catch my dolphin I'll never forgive you.
It poses a severe threat towards market fairness. It's like locking people in home because of Flu. Retail traders or investors should be able to freely choose whatever products that fit their trading strategies. Finance is NOT only for the rich or the privileged. We know what leveraged funds are. Also, the liquidity will be severely affected
I support the notion that investors should take the risks on their own investment. Any restrictions like passing test shouldn't be imposed. I am using leveraged and inverse funds (ETFs) to hedge my risks in short-term basis while mostly I have invested in the long-term basis.
I think that this a very needless jntrusion on my right to choose i should be able to put my money in any investment that is now on the market without FINRA making that decision for me.The last time i looked this was a FREE country.
I am opposed to regulators restricting what I can invest in - they do not know what is right for me. I should not have to go through a special process to make investments of my choice.
Inverse funds are a key strategy in a volatile market - they should not be restricted to select groups to benefit from investing in.
I oppose any restrictions of my right to invest in any vehicle I wnt, including leveraged and inverse ETFs. The job of FINRA is to guard against fraud, not stupid decisions by investors.
Another regulatory stretch to solve a problem that does not exist. I should be able to invest wherever I choose, without guidance and interference from overzealous regulators and the entire supporting bureaucracy.
I continue to support federal government leadership on defense and similar urgent national matters. Please stay out of the individual investment world, and allow we the people to
Additional restrictions will be detrimental to my ability to choose investment instruments. Current regulations provide sufficient protection with freedom of choice.