This is communism. Markets should be free. We have too much government. This is just more intrusion to stop people from investments that can protect them from government overreach. I dont need bureaucrats making financial decisions for me because I know they dont care about my safety contrary to what they say. Its always supposed to be for your safety but it never is. Its all about power money
Obama make the comment that most Americans are too simple minded to govern themselves. It made many of us who heard it furious. The fact is you have stolen our power away from us. We dont feel that our government was supposed to get so large. Yall did it to protect yourselves from the people you work for and to cover things yall do. The tax payers are now burdened by big government and we think
people like me are frustrated with these intrusive rugulations.
This rule hurts those of us who rely on Retirement plan investments.
I must begin by saying that to restrict the rights I have to do with my earned money as I see fit, under which the law allows, is inconceivable, immoral and wrong. There are only a few major needs that humans require for life and money is one of them. Financial security is another. To restrict me or any other retail investor, or uneducated person as the very idea of restricting my right to invest
I have been investing for 20+ years and I am retired and manage my own portfolio. I rarely use reverse or leveraged stocks but sometimes that is the only way I have to protect my portfolio. I understand the risks but I ALSO know the risks of not protecting not protecting it. I do not short stocks because that has unlimited risks also. Please leave the system alone so we retail investors can
I understand the risks associated with investing in leveraged funds and am more than comfortable incurring those risks. Having any kind of measures and restrictions placed on my ability to choose how I manage my money is contrary to the essence of free markets and personal freedom. I strongly believe that it's my risk, my reward, my choice, my responsibility.
So, if I am to understand; my right to invest in what I choose and want will be infringed. I earned my money legally. I am going to invest it in whatever vehicle I so choose.
Do not stump on my right. Thank you
Stop trying to regulate us investors. I used to be an investment advisor I understand the tremendous amount of regulations put upon us