As an American I earn my money and am educated enough to make my own investments. Why should someone who is rich already be allowed to make investments while I can't? You claim it's because they're financially savvy, but I disagree. How many millionaires have gone through bankruptcy and how many are very uneducated? The answer is a lot. If I want to risk my hard earned
Leveraged ETFs allow me to take a little more risk being offered by market returns. This is an important tool to allow me to earn a slightly higher return in a low risk manner (because I am buying the market) vs buying individual stocks.
I think every investor has right to trade ETFS.
Please keep leveraged funds available to all investors.
I run a systematic quarterly rebalancing plan that is powered by leveraged ETFs. I know what I am doing. The proper use of these leveraged products is a key part of my financial plan.
If leveraged funds are restricted to accredited or wealthy investors only, the wealth gap in the country will increase as the rich get richer in sophisticated
I oppose restrictions on my right to invest. I research thoroughly , and do not need to prove it to anyone so that I can invest.
Please allow investing as we have been, not restricted!
As someone who has invested in the markets my whole life this proposed rule is just wrong. The only reason to do such a thing is to not let small individual investors control the money they have. It is the individuals right to invest as they wish and deal with whatever gains or loses they end up with by the decisions they make. It is American as it gets, the pursuit of life liberty and happiness
Please allow my rights to continue to invest in Leveraged funds
Why should only the wealthy be allowed to invest in such PUBLIC funds. It should not be up to the regulators to decide what i can and cannot invest in
I Request FINRA to Please allow everyone to access these products. Many people use these products sensibly by allocating a small portion of their net-worths. It is not fair to allow only certain individuals to access these products, while restricting everyone else. One could buy a stock which could go to zero, is that not an unsafe / complex investment? How do you define complexity? Buying AAPL