The greedy government ought to keep its filthy paws out of our ability to invest....people should be ab;le to do what they want, if it is legal. The government is becoming like Nazi Germany. Do they prohibit buying booze and cigarettes? I should be able to choose public investments for me. I am capable of investing in inverse funds after 50 years investing experience. These funds balance and
You have no right to take away my ability to hedge using inverse funds. You are trying to take away a tool from small investors and leave all the profit to the big boys. I've been using leveraged inverse funds for over three years, what gives you the right to take away my ability to predict a downturn and capitalize on it? You just want to leave all the profit to the big boys right
To Whom It May Concern:
Leveraged ETFs like those sold by pro shares are important in that they allow the average investor a way to hedge certain parts of their portfolio. Not allowing this would give the large houses and hedge funds an unfair advantage in the market. Investors that purchase these products know what they are. Quit trying to hamstring them.
I trade the TQQQ for several yrs now, it's always a winner for me. I do sit & wait & buy at the right time. Been trading for 25 yrs.
To whom it may concern,
I would like to continue to be able to exercise my rights as an investor with these financial instruments being available for purchase. I plan on purchasing more in the near future and oppose any obstacles that would prevent myself from doing so. I recommend that you allow me to purchase the securities as long as I live.
If there is one way I can make up my losses, is thru leveraged ETFs. Please stop this madness. Traders are smart enough to read and educate themselves before buying leveraged or inverse ETFs, including myself. If you like to help the traders, here is something much more important you can do: Make our funds available right away after each transaction and/or at least within the hour. In this age of
Id like to express my displeasure with the attempt to restricting my ability to easily and appropriately utilize leveraged and inverse ETFs. These tools are the only way I have an opportunity to achieve a comfortable and much needed retirement for myself and my family.
Limiting levered funds would be akin to limiting options, futures, swaps, or any other derivative products that investors use to hedge risk or seek profit. Leverage exists everywhere. One example is a mortgage. Another example is home insurance. There is nothing special about levered funds that is any different that other examples of the use of leverage in the economy.
Dear Finra,
I strongly encourage you to continue allowing retail and retirement investors like myself to continue investing in levered and complex products. These products are great investment tools for people like myself who choose to perform careful and thoughtful research while understanding the risks that come with them. It would be government overreach to restrict individuals from making
I, not regulators, should be able to choose the public investments that are right for my family.
Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investing strategies.