You not regulators should be able to choose the public investments that are right for you and your family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before I can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse
Investors should be free to invest any of the types -leveraged or not. Simple. Keep the hands of freedom of choice.
Pro shares leverage has made me tons of profit and I use it to hedge risk. Do not limit my ability to hedge risk while you guys in the government increase the debt, destroy the dollar, and destroy the economy because you guys werent prepared for Covid. To cover up your mistakes you too leveraged and hedged risk to save the economy but it is us the tax payers that have to pay for your screwups. If
These leveraged and inverse products are valuable instruments for managing risk and seeking enhanced returns. I understand these instruments and I object to any friction that prevents me, or any other investor, from using them.
Hello sir/madam
I am disappointed to hear in the addition of more regulation possibly being put in place impacting the middle income investor. These regulations continue to give those with money more opportunities and those without less. I encourage you not to proceed.
I am against any regulatory restriction in the investments I choose to use.
FINRA is soliciting comment on a proposal to establish a new trade reporting requirement for transactions in over-the-counter options on securities with terms that are identical or substantially similar to listed options. FINRA is proposing to require firms to report this information to FINRA on a daily basis (end-of-day) for regulatory purposes only.
Questions regarding this Notice
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As announced by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in the Federal Register on October 28, 2021, FINRA will collect detailed data on depository institutions’ daily transactions of marketable U.S. Treasury securities and of the debt and MBS issued by U.S. federal government agencies including government-sponsored enterprises (agencies) via its Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine
In April 2009, the FINRA Board of Governors established a special review committee to review FINRA’s examination program, with particular emphasis on the examinations of firms associated with R. Allen Stanford and Bernard L. Madoff. The committee was asked to “recommend ... changes in the examination program, where appropriate, to improve member oversight and FINRA’s fraud detection capability,” and to consider management’s “monitoring [of] compliance with examination program policies.”