I oppose the proposed restrictions on inverse and leveraged funds.
They are a part of the investment toolkit used in my portfolio.
These products are sufficiently documented in their prospectus.
As an individual investor I assume the risk of making my own decisions and am capable of making my own decisions.
Limiting these products to only high-net worth investors is inherently unfair and promotes
Leveraged and inverse ETFs are necessary for many of my trading strategies. Don't be stupid, let people invest in what they want
NO regulator should choose the public investment that are right for me. There should not be any special process to go through to trade leverage and inverse funds if i want to trade them. Leverage and inverse funds are a big part of my trading. I some time use it as a hedge fund. I understand all risk and trade responsable. I don't need a regulator to tell me how to trade them. Since i
Please consider preserving the rights of investors, such as myself, to invest in public securities (Complex Products). Allow people to think and act for themselves without undue regulation or restrictions! Thank you.
I feel it should be up to the investor to determine how he or she invest their hard earned money not a regulator. Some investors dont want to own individual stocks. They would rather just play what direction the market is trending at any particular month, quarter or year. These leveraged and inverse funds are extremely important to my investment strategies. I protects me from being exposed to
Please keep the existing rules in place. This isn't the time to be making changes for 3x, 2x funds while the market is at its current status. Thanks for your consideration.
Limiting retail investors ability to invest in leveraged funds would be a disservice to those using them and not serve our best interest.
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest
I have invested in the VXX many times as I have used this to make money when the market is volatile. I am not a high net worth person but feel strongly that I should continue to have this option. I am aware that it is a higher risk but I am willing to take that risk. I do not believe that you should take that option from me. Thanks for taking my feelings into consideration.
Public investments, including leveraged or inversed funds should be made available to all individual investors. Individual investors like myself are perfectly capable of choosing our own investments, carefully considering risks. We should not have to have regulations imposed on us. Thank you for your consideration.