To The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), I want to continue having the ability to freely invest in a broad range of public securities designated as complex productsincluding the leveraged and inverse funds offered by ProShares. These "complex products" have enabled me to protect my retirement portfolio from severe financial losses. Perfect example: The current "
Everyone deserves the right to invest as they wish in whatever they choose without fear of being punished in any way.
I am a buy and hold investor. I might make 2 or 3 trades each year. I don't see any reason why I shouldn't be able to invest in leveraged funds with money I can afford to lose. I am 92 and have been investing for over 70 years. One learns much quicker from their mistakes than from government rules. I also started with nothing, now I am considered wealthy. I probably would
I retired as a CFP and have been investing my funds for over 50 yrs. I understand the risks involved and I would not be happy having my investment rights limited.
I do not support the proposed new regulations to leveraged and inverse ETFs. These investments give small investors access to tools that allow us to profit from certain moves in the market. Limiting access to these types of funds would further an unfair playing field in the market.
Leveraged fund are a key piece of my investment strategies. I am experienced enough to read and understand the risks and do not want any special measures imposed on me.
I choose to invest in Leveraged ETFS. Individual investors choice.
Dear Sir / Madam:
This proposed regulation really hurts investor's interest. Firstly, it opens a door to the abuse of a vague definition of "complex products". In addition, it is investor's freedom and responsibility to make his/her own judgement. We do not need babysitting from regulators - unless regulator will pay for the loss of our investment. These
Government must not restrict nor interfere with our right to invest when, where and in whatever we may choose. The subject of our investment choices is none of your business.