I am capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks. Please do not impose these measures on me. Thanks!
To whom it may concern prospectus is clear and easy to understand and products like tqqq are behaving exactly as expected. No additional regulation is needed at this time.
The (American) Govt has no business holding my hand/influencing or regulating the private financial decisions of any individual.....Period.
These products have been around for years with no 'damage' to any investors. Informed investors are fully aware of the risk associated with both Inverse and Leveraged ETFs.
We should be able to invest without any special process. We should have access to all public investment.
I am capable of understanding leverage and inverse and
their risks and do not need these measures imposed on
i use them as a limited part of my overall portfolio.
I have had trading experience over 15 years, leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment strategies, and I use limited part of your overall portfolio to hedge or enhance my return. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the small group of special people.
Furthering the divide between groups of citizens that are allowed to participate in capital markets and those who aren't will ultimately destroy the markets as it's slowly ripped apart. This is not the way to protect retail investors.
It poses a severe threat towards market fairness. It's like locking people in home because of Flu. Retail traders or investors should be able to freely choose whatever products that fit their trading strategies. Finance is NOT only for the rich or the privileged. We know what leveraged funds are. Also, the liquidity will be severely affected if passed.
I should have to right to invest in any public company/fund I want to without jumping through hoops.
I understand the risks of such investments and am comfortable with them. Taking away these investment options from me would be ridiculous