It's absolutely ludicrous to try and take away from the individual investor the ability to access leverage in (arguably) a safer way than using margin loans. If institutional investors have access to total return swaps, retail investors should have access to leveraged ETFs. If people make bad decisions and lose money, at least they're only damaging one life. Not the millions
I should be able to choose the public
investments that are right for you and your family.
Public investments should be available to all of the public,
not just the privileged.
I use the ETF TQQQ as a predominate piece of my portfolio in combination with its underlying options. I understand that our government would want to protect it's citizens against a product that could do harm, especially in an exponential way. Any product with inherent danger that is misused will cause harm, exponential or not. Let me give you an example. Let's say someone invested their
I as a investor should be able to choose whichever stocks or funds I see fit. I research my investments and understand the risks. I do not believe passing a test before I invest is unfair and don not need anyone to hold my hand when coming to my portfolio.
The USA is supposed to be a free country without burdensome regulations. Do not try to take away individual liberties. We already know the government as a whole is scum; what remains to be determined is whether you, the bureaucrat reading this, is any better.
Do not come in the way of investments. You already get your bribe from every transaction.
That is simple, they are my money not regulators. I don't tell you how you will manage your money. So let ME decide what to do with my money.
Dear FINRA Regulators,
In a free country, is it not the people, rather than unelected regulators, who get to decide what to do with their own money? That's what living in a free country is all about: individual liberty AND personal responsibility. In the market place, this plays out as the opportunity for reward and the possibility of risk. Virtually every trader knows that they may lose
I have been using leveraged etf's for 10 years...i like them...they allow me to invest a smaller percent of portfolio and still get a return. Trade frequently every week. The risks are well documented. What i dont like are ETNs that close during times of market volatility.
As far as i am concerned... I am an individual investor.....Who are you to tell me how much money i can make
Cmon man Im a big boy I can bet on levered etfs. Its not even accurate that theyre bad buy and hold. Past hundred years of data levered etfs even with volatility drag outperforms spy
Against this rule! Investors should be able to make their own decisions instead of the government ruling against that. What is next? Cryptos, futures contracts ?