I want freedom to invest in leveraged ETFs
This smells like a rat to me. I have seen leveraged ETFS taken away prior to large moves like the Natural Gas ETF UGAZ and USLV right before silver went up. It seems everyone is fine when a vehicle is a one way street to wall street pockets shorting them but as soon as the regular guy has a chance it is taken away. The risks to these are clearly spelled out and no action is required or warranted
I am writing to ask that regulators not limit my ability to invest in whatever source of investment I would like. I am capable of researching and understanding where I put my money. Please do not take this right away.
I want to take my decision. Regulator stay away from taking my own decision
I am opposed to any regulation WRT trading complex investments.
There has been no policy from the current Biden administration that has benefited America. This is another from FINRA. I oppose all regulation imposed by this corrupt Democrat administration.
I (not regulators) know my financial situation, investment time horizon, and how I want to structure my portfolio to meet my financial goals. I should be able to choose investments that are right for me and my family without government interference.
Leveraged funds are an important component of how my portfolio is structured, and I shouldn't have to go through any special process like
While the leveraged products are controversial as longer-term investments, they are helpful for short-term hedging and trading. The unlevered inverse investments are extremely useful hedging tools for equity investors and don't have any of the drawbacks found with levered products. Restricting their use would be a disservice to the investing public who use occasionally need these tools
As an individual investor, I will OBJECT too much regulatory requirements on investors. It will NOT protect small investors, instead of creates confusion and overhead (which will be added to investors in some way). Most stocks aren't less risky than leveraged and inverse funds are.
Any proposal that testing specialized investment knowledge, demonstrate a high net worth and go though a
I don't think we need more regulations or interferance with goverment pertaining to my investments
Please leave investing to investors. I oppose restrictions to my right to invest.