Restrictions on younger and less wealthy investors are anti American as they block access to life building wealth who those that need it.
I have been using leveraged and inverse ETFs with great success for 12 years, with proof of performance results far greater than S&P 500. I have an MBA from Tulane, but my trading education began by studying with Steve Lescarbeau, featured in Market Wizards by Jack Schwager. My experience and methods of analysis of selecting appropriate funds are far beyond the many authors of articles
We the people must stand up and fight for our God given rights already!
If this is a free Country then stay [REDACTED] out of our business!
Dir Sir/Madam It is none of your business what investments are right for myself and my family. I am an adult capable of making my own decisions and living with the consequences of those decisions. Furthermore there should be no restrictions on the types of investments available to the general public. All investments available to the "privileged few" should be available to the general
I do not need government to protect me from my own choices. Handicapping investors from accessing investment opportunities limits our liberty and denies us opportunity.
I have invested in cryptocurrencies for years now. I've not lost money and have seen my crypto grow in value. This is my right as a free American and regulators need to keep our of our retirement fund
I need the ability to freely invest in whatever is best for my family and our future. Increased regulations that make it more complicated or restrictive is unfair to individual investors. I can understand leveraged and inversed funds and should be able to invest in them if I choose. The term "comolex products" used in the proposed regulation is very vague. Regulators shouldn
As long as there is sufficient disclosure of risks, government should make every investment vehicles and tools available to everyone, instead of limiting them. By claiming "protection of investors", you are overreaching and infringing upon individual freedom.
Inverse fund products provide a necessary alternative to shorting an over-valued security while minimizing the risk with a direct short of a security. Additionally, leveraged products are an alternative to margining ones account, which can lead to margin calls. Lastly, most brokerages have internal controls to limit individual's exposure to any risks that may be associated with