Cryptocurrencies do not need regulation, as they are already transparently self regulated by the code that powers each blockchain. This code is publicly visible and transparent for all. They are also secure through cryptography, stronger than that which masks transactions and account information at traditional banks and brokerages. Furthermore, Bitcoin is the single best performing asset of the
Please allow individual plans to formulate their own investing rules without the government adding new laws and restrictions. Risks of investing in cryptocurrency funds such as BITO are understandable by investors such as myself. There are many public funds that are of high risk that do not incur onerous investment restrictions.
I Elaine Kraska
Strongly oppose limitations on our ability to buy the funds.
We live in the Unted States. Citizens should have the freedom to invest without regulation. It should not be determined by the government or some other agency.
I like the ability to do my own research and due diligence when making investment decisions, restricting access to public securities and markets heads down a very slippery slope that can lead to many other restrictions and freedoms. I have no problem with be advised of the potential greater risk that is involved with any investment, that certainly falls under education and fair disclosure which
Inverse Funds are definitely essential for Small investors...
Families with Small capital, don't have the stomach to Sell futures. Inverse ETF's are the only way !!
Leveraged ETF's also should be available for Small investors & traders to participate.
I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before you can invest in public securities, cryptocurrency funds such as BITO. I am capable of understanding cryptocurrency funds such as BITO and their risks. Regulators do not need these measures imposed on me.
I oppose FINRA Proposed Rule #22-08, and any similar legislation or regulation that limits my ability to make whatever investments I choose.
I'm upset with anything that would prohibit my ability to protect my assets.I oppose any limitations on my investments. The FINRA scheme would hurt myself and other investors by denying us freedom to choose investments for our financial security, I want to go on record that I oppose this policy.