It's about time that so mething was done to reign in the financial product world. Many retail investors are purchasing financial products and derivatives with no idea of the risk they are taking. Now companies profiting off of crypto coins want investors to place retirement funds in crypto currency which is completely unregulated. No unregulated financial product should be permitted as
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am sending this email in support of retaining the right and ability to invest in leveraged and inverse funds.
No one should enforce limitations to our trading capabilities in such ETFs. I should not be submitted to any testing or financial stratification before I am able to proceed with such trades.
Please update me regarding the progress of this issue.
Leveraged and inverse funds are essential to my investing strategy. I fully understand the risks of these bear and bull types of funds. I should be able to choose these types of investments and not regulators.
Dear FINRA Regulators,
I should be able to choose the public investments that are right for me and my family. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged.
I shouldn't have to go through any special process like passing a test before I can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds. I am capable of understanding leveraged and
We do NOT need regulators to monitor or rule our accounts
I oppose restrictions on my rights to invest in public investments. As an investor I should have variety in choices of investments and not be limited by regulators or have to pass a test to be able to invest in a security. I understand leveraged and inverse funds and have been trading them since last year. Again, the leveraged and inverse funds help diversify my portfolio. Please
Since when did it become the government's job to have ANY say so on mine or anyone else's investments. I demand that you focus on doing the will of the people instead of the will of nazi liberal democrats and RINOS! This is OUR country, not yours to own!
Dear Regulators, Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this proposed regulation. We didn’t choose unprecedented debt or rising inflation. It’s a matter of human rights to allow individuals to choose their positions in the market with intelligence, education, and any capital that could offset the problems that have been created for us. We are trading with depreciating dollars that have
I have a reasonable networth and enough understanding of markets to know that occasionally someone may want to hedge their portforlios or part of it due to the volatility we see often in this world. By restricting the use of inverse funds and ETF's, you might actually cause many investors to lose more money because their ability to have alternative investments are not available. I do