Crypto investing is the only way I can survive on my fixed income, in this inflated economy, don't force me at my advanced age to go on welfare
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest. Alternative investment options are a very important part of a diversified portfolio. I should be allowed to invest after accepting disclaimers that the investments are high risk.
I am a self-educated individual investor of more than two decades who now invests with several institutions. While recognizing the required knowledge of sophisticated, leveraged investments, it seems somewhat punitive to limit or possibly deny access to the educated to protect the uneducated.
I oppose to restrictions to my right to invest.
I want the freedom to choose.
More regulations are NOT necessary. Retail investors should be able to freely choose what to invest in. Demanding us to pass tests or going through other special processes is annoying. Restrictions on retail customer access to complex products are even worse - they are unreasonable and unfair. As a leveraged fund investor, I always read through the information and assess risks before making an
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest!!!1!
We do not stand for your regulations who do you think you are
The government already has too many hands in our pockets. In these troubling times, even when not so troubled, removing hope from the people is a bad idea.
I should have the right to purchase crypto currencies without the government attacking my Crypto funds.
This is down right commie move. What [REDACTED] do you think you are doing?