Dear FINRA Regulators, Trading leveraged and inverse ETFs is far less risky than trading options, which only require a special signature with your broker. So why over-regulate these valuable products? There is a large market for these leveraged ETFs, and their accessibility is precisely what makes them more desirable than options. An investor will not trade leveraged ETFs if he is not comfortable
Don't stifle a new method of transacting value. Understand it, let progress come.
What gives the government the right to regulate a free market for what investing decisions are right for me and my family. A complete overreach of powers that will set growing distaste of government officials. Where is the regulation for insider trading at the political/congressional level? Why is that not a priority where they are privy to material, sensitive information. Where the small retail
There was a time where retail investing was uncommon, and markets have become more inclusive. That trend should continue, or at least not move backwards. Regulation should exist where there is information asymmetry and misaligned incentives, such as what CDO crisis that triggered 2008, which was mainly caused by banks not even understanding these assets and rating agencys being captured and
My hard work, already taxed, my business. Keep your greedy paws out of my earnings.
I oppose the USA Big Brother Nanny attitude of government regulation regarding investing. Especially stocks and forex. In forex only 3 countries in the whole world restrict leverage to maximum of 50 to 1. All other countries are allowed 500 and even 1000 to 1. Are these citizens smarter or is it those governments allow a person the freedom to spend their money as each person sees fit????
I oppose any and government regulations that would adversely affect my abilty to freely invest my money. From the wording I read you would not be allowing the stupid and the poor invest which would limit their ability to not be poor and stupid any more!.
pass a test ? if you fail you are stupid
If you do not have a high net worth , you are poor.
this is borderline communist !
I am an active small investor in an inverse fund. I am not accredited. Why are you considering limiting my access to these products. Just because I don't have a large account should not mean that I am disadvantaged by you. I am trying to be polite about this but really want to tell you off. Just stop trying to control the small investor ( or the large investor). Do something else with
Now you listen here you [REDACTED] crooks! You keep your dirty filthy hands off this SECTOR of the woods!! You have no right!! These are our rights our Currencies and is beginning built by out hands for all to take part in! You want to have own or control any Crypto!!!!?? Then you get off your [REDACTED] and put in work like we do every day and you put in work!! If your to lazy!! Then purchase
I oppose restrictions to my right to invest. Please do not set more restrictions.