The right to choose goes across all boards! Stop governmental interference in personal choice!
College my, home ownership, having a family are now all unattainable to the average American and now you want to cut off the American public from investing. Soon the people of this country will come for you expect a back lash on par with the French revolution if you continue to squeeze the average man in this country. You ineffective joke of a human being!
Who are you to say what is too "complex" for the average person to trade? Why take away a legitimate tool to help us hedge down turns with inverse funds or make up for losses with leveraged funds? Brokers already require we read documents and know the risks associated.
How about you worry about something that actually matters like naked short selling, short selling in general
Comments: as a retail investor there are much fewer tools at my disposal when it comes to managing risk and constructing the right portfolio. Leveraged ETFs and ETPs are critical in that process.
This is the height of arrogance of straight white men to assume that we are not sophisticated enough to understand inverse ETF's or variable annuities. Stop your Sexist actions now.
It's our business how we invest our money and I'm sure anyone out there having problems will talk to a specialist to help them if needed. Don't take our American dream away just because you can. Thank you for taking the time to read this, have a good day.
Do not impose restrictions on our ability as investors to chose simple complex or any kind of of public investment we chose. Who gives you the right to control or attempt to control our ability to invest? I want a list of names of who the regulators are, so I can post their names individually online to my investment group. We need to vote them out!
Do not restrict my right to invest in leveraged and inverse funds, or otherwise presume to know what I should or should not invest in.
Every individual should be free to invest how they please. Its not the governments job to play mom and dad.
Stop trying to rule the people of the U.S.A. WE should be able to invest money the way we see fit. We are not your slave's, the government does not own us!!!!!