Please dont block common people from investing.
Don't tell me what to do with my money. I'll invest how I see fit. I will also vote how I see fit. Don't overreach and lead us to unintended negative consequences like concentration-risk in indexed products.
I regularly use inverse funds as protection in a down market. Regulators have no business telling me what I can and can not do regarding my investments!
These are no different than purchasing put options.
I already have a special agreement that must be signed before trading these instruments.
Please allow the public to make their choice when it comes to investing. We shouldn't have to go through a special process. Leveraged and inverse funds are popular in many portfolios, and more regulation is unnecessary.
it is important to protect my investments to use leveraged funds.
These funds offer an exceptional opportunity for an average guy like myself. Do casino regulators come in and close down table games to every day guys, no they offer assistance for those who are out of control. Taking away opportunities is never a good choice.
Stop with the nanny state.
Dear Sir,
I do not want my rights to invest impeded or impinged upon by this legislation. I do not want to suffer through cooling off periods where I can not invest or arbitrary finance or investment limits placed on my investment habits nor forced education and testing standards placed on me as the investor.
Thank you,
R Beliles
As an investor, it should be my prerogative to choose whatever investments without interference regardless of the consequences. I understand there are risks associated with any type of investment but to burden us with the five proposed requirements for "complex investments" is an overreach. Caveat emptor
This is an unacceptable overreach. The job if the SEC is to make sure investment products are honest, legitimate investment opportunities. It is not the job of the SEC to pick and choose the people who will have access. This is the USA. It's supposed to be synonymous with personal liberty. The whole certified investor system should be trashed. It's elitist is the worst possible