Dear Sirs/Madams,
As a retail investor, this is a terrible idea. Brokerages already offer nearly unlimited exposure to leverage with options, futures, futures options, and other products; not to mention 4x margin availability to even relatively small account-holders. Restricting access to some polymorph of accredited investors will only deprive informed retail investors of one of their few hedge
I am an American citizen. I have the right to make my own choices.
stop regulating what we do with our money now.
Information about leveraged instruments is readily available online and via any broker. I don't think any additional regulation is needed, and I'm concerned that such regulation would unfair to some investors.
I very much oppose these proposed restrictions. Any and every stock issue carries risks inherent to the individual stock, and these are no different. It is up to the investor to educate and investigate the risk and determine whether it fits within their own risk profile. This is not for the regulatory industry to define, unless the information and prospectus is giving false and/or misleading
This is not right sounds like more of what happened at GameStop. Everyday in the market we find reasons that the US Stock Exchange is not a free market system. We need to go back to when the people made the exchange and the United States the most free nation in the world. But it was by the means being discussed today. The people will not stand for anymore rule bending that only prospers those
I am 65 years old, and for years I have used leveraged funds to secure my financial future. Among other things, they are a very effective hedge against drawdowns in the market. I am not wealthy, and losing the ability to use leveraged funds would adversely affect my retirement.
Good afternoon!
I oppose any restrictions to my right to invest including those related to leveraged funds. These instruments should be open to everyone not just to the rich and privileged. The government should not regulate free enterprise. By investing in funds of my choosing, I am exercising my right to free speech!
I agree, we should have a say in are investing WE want to do.