I am capable of deciding what I want to invest in.
I am an experienced investor and a former CPA and former financial executive of two NYSE listed companies. I do not consider it appropriate for the government to tell me and my wife what I can and cannot invest in. Based on market conditions it may be appropriate to invest in inverse or leveraged funds or ETF's. My wife and I are invested in such funds in our joint account and each of
I believe that I should be able to choose what stock investments I want and what would work for me. As with any investment both losses and gains are on the shoulders of the investor and should not be regulated.
I oppose restrictions on my right to invest in public investments.
By creating restrictions to these investments, only the priviledged will be able to choose these investments. This is comletely unfair.
I have used leverage and inverse funds for probably at least a decade and they play a role in my investments strategies. I understand the risks involved, and these investments have been a
Hello FINRA,
Having access to leveraged ETFs is one way for normal retail investors to be able to get faster financial growth. Introducing too many restrictions on it will deny us those opportunities.
I use leverage funds as a short term hedge to my long investments.
They are easier to invest in than options
I oppose restrictions
on your right to invest in public investments. Free choice of public investments in American at its core.
We have the right to invest!!!!
Investors should be able to choose the public
investments that fits my investment goal. I understand the risks and responsible for the consequences.
Public investments should be available to all of the public,
not having to pass a test. Its my own money at risk and shouldnt be restricted on when I can make the trade. I have no influence on the bigger market like the CEO of
Im a middle class single female, Im trying to invest in different industries little by little. If investing gets even more regulated that only those with already big bucks can only invest, there is no chance that I can retire by before the age of 80 and even then Im not sure Ill be able to afford to retire.